Develop AI Integrations with Itsavirus
Itsavirus Team
Updated on Aug 20, 2024

AI-driven solutions that Itsavirus is developing

At Itsavirus, we are known for adopting new technologies fast. So, since the early rise of AI, we have been working on several AI projects. In this blog, we’ll walk you through some of the AI-driven solutions we’re working on. After that, we'll talk about the hurdles we’ve faced and the best practices we've discovered along the way. We'll also explain how we’ve used different AI tools for different situations, because every project has its own unique needs.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

AI isn't magic—it's the result of combining big data and machine learning. Think of it like teaching a baby to recognize fruits by showing them many examples; over time, they learn to identify patterns. Similarly, in machine learning, a computer is trained with large amounts of data to recognize patterns and make predictions, which is then stored in a "model."

When working with AI tools like OpenAI, choosing the right model (like GPT-4 for text or DALL·E for images) is key, as the output quality depends on both the model and the input provided. Clear and specific prompts are crucial for getting accurate results. AI has various applications, from summarization to personal assistance, but each model has its limitations, such as processing large amounts of text.

Case 1: Developing Qualitative Interpretations of Quantitative Data Using OpenAI

In one of our projects, we faced the challenge of transforming large volumes of research data into coherent, human-like reports rapidly. The goal was to develop a system that could analyze raw survey data and produce insightful, visually appealing reports as if crafted by a skilled human writer.

To tackle this, we leveraged OpenAI's GPT-4o-mini model to serve as an "interviewer." Here's how it worked:

  1. Data Preparation: We started with a list of information that needed to be gathered from interviews, such as respondents' names, ages, and educational histories. This data was prepared in JSON format to streamline processing.
  2. AI-Driven Interviews: The AI was set up to simulate an interview, asking relevant questions based on the assignment's requirements. This allowed it to gather the necessary qualitative insights directly from the data.
  3. Summary Creation: After processing the raw responses, the AI was tasked with summarizing the survey answers, especially those provided as free text. To handle the vast amount of data, we split it into manageable groups, feeding them into the AI one by one.
  4. Combining Summaries: Each group’s summary was then combined to form a comprehensive final report. This approach ensured that no detail was overlooked and that the final report was cohesive and thorough.
  5. Customization and Control: We tweaked the "temperature" variable in the OpenAI configuration to adjust the strictness of the generated summary. This fine-tuning allowed us to control the balance between creativity and accuracy in the report.
  6. Rate Limiting Management: To avoid hitting OpenAI’s rate limits, we implemented a queue system that processed tasks sequentially. A retry backoff mechanism was also set up to prevent the task from being blocked, ensuring smooth operation even under heavy workloads.

The result was a highly efficient process that turned complex, quantitative data into qualitative insights with human-like accuracy and nuance, significantly speeding up the report generation process while maintaining a high standard of quality.

Case 2: Automating Translations with ChatGPT

Objective: To efficiently manage and update multilingual content on a large European platform, ensuring timely and accurate translations across numerous languages, particularly for high-traffic websites and real-time customer communications.

Challenge: Managing extensive, multilingual content for a platform operating across multiple countries is a significant challenge. Traditional translation methods are often slow, costly, and prone to inaccuracies, especially when frequent updates are required. 

Solution: We integrated ChatGPT, an advanced conversational AI by OpenAI, into our translation workflow. 


  • Content Extraction: We utilized ChatGPT to convert and translate written content across the platform, ensuring that updates could be quickly and accurately disseminated in multiple languages.
  • Automated Translation: The AI was set up to handle the automated translation of web content (including product descriptions and customer reviews) and email communications, ensuring linguistic consistency and accuracy across all supported regions.
  • Output Optimization: For enhanced efficiency, we structured the output in a JSON format, capable of encompassing translations across multiple languages. This streamlined approach facilitates seamless integration with downstream processes, whether handling product descriptions, customer reviews, or email content.
  • Scalability: This solution was designed to handle large volumes of content by using multiple models for multiple translation scales, making it ideal for platforms that operate internationally and require frequent updates in multiple languages.

Outcome: The integration of ChatGPT significantly reduced the time and effort required to manage and update multilingual content. The automated translation process ensured that content was accurate, consistent, and timely, greatly enhancing the user experience and operational efficiency of the platform.

Case 3: Generating Personalized Meal and Workout Plans with

Objective: Our goal was to develop a comprehensive tool that generates highly personalized meal and workout plans by leveraging various personal data points. This tool is designed to cater to individual dietary needs, fitness goals, preferences, and available resources, ensuring that users receive both meal and workout plans that are nutritionally balanced, effective, and aligned with their personal objectives.

Challenge: The primary challenge was to create a system capable of handling the complexity of individual preferences and requirements across both meal and workout planning. We needed an AI that could interpret a wide range of personal data—such as age, gender, fitness level, training intensity, food preferences, location, available equipment, and health goals—and generate plans that felt tailor-made. Ensuring the output was accurate, safe, and user-friendly for both aspects of health management added an extra layer of complexity.

Solution: We utilized, an advanced conversational AI developed by Anthropic, known for its emphasis on safe and accurate responses.'s capability to handle complex conversational inputs made it an ideal choice for interpreting diverse and detailed personal data to generate both meal and workout plans. Its flexibility and scalability ensured that the AI could manage a wide array of user requests while maintaining a high level of personalization and precision.


  • Data Gathering: We collected comprehensive data from users, including demographic information (age, gender, height, weight), lifestyle details (fitness level, training intensity), dietary preferences or restrictions (e.g., vegetarian, gluten-free), and specific workout preferences or constraints (e.g., home vs. gym workouts, current training regimens).
  • AI Model Configuration: Leveraging, we configured the AI to process this data and generate meal and workout plans that align with the users' preferences and goals. The AI was fine-tuned to understand and prioritize dietary and fitness needs, ensuring the output was both effective and appealing.
  • Customization and Flexibility: allowed us to tweak variables and refine the AI’s responses for both meal and workout planning. This was crucial in ensuring that the plans were not only accurate but also adaptable to different user needs and preferences.
  • Scalability: To handle a large number of requests efficiently, we implemented a system that queues tasks and manages rate limits, ensuring seamless operation even during peak usage times.

Outcome: The result was a highly efficient, scalable tool that generates personalized meal and workout plans, helping users achieve their dietary and fitness goals with precision. By leveraging, we were able to offer a service that feels deeply personalized, intuitive, and supportive of a healthier lifestyle. The integration of both meal and workout planning in one tool provides a holistic approach to health and fitness, making it easier for users to follow a comprehensive plan that meets all their needs.

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